Friday 30 November 2012

Sanusi’s Economic Therapy

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Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

No matter how offensive, how unpopular, how  controversial, you can always trust Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi , the CBN governor to speak his mind. He courts controversy. And he has swum  through many rivers of controversy.

And during the week, he struck again, this time at Warri,  during the Capital market retreat, where he called for the sacking of 50 per cent of the nation’s work force, scrapping of the Local Government Councils,  so that the economy can be sustained. Mr CBN Governor, I strongly disagree. I wonder how a public servant of his status and knowledge can even contemplate the idea. While I agree that more fiscal discipline need to be applied in managing our resources, and concerted efforts be made to tackle leakages, wastages and outright corruption in the service,  the way to  a stronger economy cannot be in halving the workforce.
That is the kind of suggestion IMF will give. It is the height of senseless capitalism to want to recoup all the money, have a swathe of burgeoning bank account, but not have peace. Does Sanusi understand that there is a direct correlation between crime and employment? It is bad enough that the labour market is spilling out angry and frustrated youths, yet it will be worse for the society to have the youths’ fathers, uncles and mothers now sacked. The end result will be like administering a drug that will kill both the disease and the patient. Kai Mallam, think again!!!! 


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