Saturday, 30 March 2013

Revealing: Nigerian Surrogate Mothers And Sperm Donors Now Have A Website

Good news for Nigerians, or is it?

The Nigerian surrogate mothers, sperm donors and egg donors have even taken to the internet to advertise themselves (as pictured above) to couples who are desperately in need of children...see the website HERE.

The website, which listed the surrogate mothers according to their states of residence, also has a breakdown of their data. It also has registered sperm and egg donors with their details.

Before now, investigations have shown Nigerian ladies are already basking in the business of getting pregnant for childless couples for a fee. 

Surrogacy is a process whereby willing ladies are contacted by either couples or fertility clinics to help carry pregnancies on behalf of childless often happens where married women find it difficult getting pregnant or where they have issues with their wombs.


  1. If you need egg donors in Nigeria kindly visit Nigerian
    Egg Donor Centre

  2. Thanks for sharing the blog it is very important and interesting topic in which peoples are receiving great information and very helpful.

    Kiran Fertility Services has been one of the pioneers in the field of Third Party Reproduction having had surrogacy programs in Nepal and India in the past and currently in Ukraine and Kenya.

    Having Successfully helped Intended Parents from 43 different countries the entire team from KFS which comprises Doctors, Patient co ordinators, Immigration Specialists and lawyers from different parts of the Globe can confidently say that the Services offered by KFS are highly personalised,result oriented and perhaps the best in the world when it comes to Third party assisted reproduction and surrogacy.

    KFS has Its Patient co ordinators living and handling Intended Parents from North America,Canada, South America,Brasil, Africa United Kingdom,Europe ,Asia and Australia.

    Surrogacy Services:


    The choice of the surrogate is best left to the Doctors as they choose the lady with the best endometrium just before the transfer. This is also one of the major reasons for our success.

    Medical- Psychological checks:

    We test locally for sexually transmitted diseases- all common and uncommon.
    Then the prospective surrogate mother is brought to our clinic where our Psychiatrist will counsel them in detail.
    Thereafter we do Advanced Blood Tests including a Chromosomal Analysis.
    This is followed by Hormonal Assays and a Trans-Vaginal scan to assess their own fertility (this is the most important step and is done only by our Obstetricians and Gynecologists).

    Inforamtion about Surrogate Mother:

    How to select a Surrogate Mother:

    Surrogacy or Surrogate means a “substitute”. In medical idiom, the term surrogacy suggests that using of a substitute mother within the place of the natural mother.

    If you’re considering being a female parent you frequently should meet certain criteria. There may be exceptions in some cases, however below are what most meant folks, agencies, and clinics explore in a surrogate.
